Unveil the enchanting 'My Moon & Star Duo' Gift Set from our friends at Bloom in a Box- a fusion of nature's elegance and exquisite jewellery.
Bloom in a Box has proudly collaborated with renowned Irish brand Betty and Biddy to present this remarkable ensemble. Within, discover the captivating Red Gerbera Flower, an embodiment of love and passion. Complementing the floral beauty is a Betty and Biddy gold-plated necklace, featuring a delicate Crescent and Star design.
This pairing encapsulates the purest emotions and offers an enduring connection between the giver and recipient.
Crafted with sustainability in mind, this set showcases Irish design at its finest.
Your gift also includes a personalised note, expressing sentiments straight from the heart. The necklace arrives in a Betty and Biddy White Box, adding an extra touch of elegance.
Item code: blm006
Standard Delivery Estimated arrival 2-5 working days, after production time £7.00 |